People are aware that, without social media no online business can give 100 percent. Social media marketing is one of the most important marketing strategies, where small businesses are marketing their products or services to reap benefits in the end. There are various social media platforms, which are popular for expanding the businesses, where it

People are aware that, without social media no online business can give 100 percent. Social media marketing is one of the most important marketing strategies, where small businesses are marketing their products or services to reap benefits in the end.
There are various social media platforms, which are popular for expanding the businesses, where it cannot go by any other traditional means. As, a small business man sitting in Singapore cannot sell his products in India every day, as it needs large amount of transport charges, labor charges and many more. However, with the help of social media marketing he can easily sell his products to each part of the world and without any extra investment of money. Various popular social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.

The whole marketing scenario has changes due to social media. New avenues are coming day by day, which was not possible in the previous days. These social media have become important part of human lives and have proved a very important tool for expanding business. Let us look, how these social media marketing, has changed the business of small businessperson and how it can be reached into other parts of the marketing strategy.
Branding of the Products
With the presentation of business in a unique way in various social media platform, business can give brands a personality on social networks. Interaction with the people, look and feel of the profile, all encompasses the general characteristics of the brand.
Driving Traffic
If you are a business owner, then it is essential that people visit on your website, because if there is no visitor, then it is useless to start an online business. Social networks top the list of site referrals.
Forefront of social media is mobile, because most of the activity is done through mobile now days. Apps are like small shop display of websites on android mobile. Everything on mobile device can be shared with any social network. Your website will be most likely to be viewed, through a mobile device.

Revolution In Social Media Marketing – Android Watch (Smart watches)
Like smart phones, smart watches are the extension of mobile devices. They have become more powerful with the stand alone remarkable capabilities. These are tiny wristwatches, in which you can view your social messages, chat with your friends and even exchange your thoughts on various social media platforms. Android watch helps one to remain updated without curving our fingers to pick up the phone. Majority of mobile devices are running on Android.

Rapid adoption of Android users among the Android mobile users has created a new opportunity for social media marketing. people love to stay connected with the social media conversation and wants to remain updated with the latest events going around. Now majority of Android wear app development companies know the importance to focus social media in the new wrist – held mobile device. Almost everyone addicted to Facebook and other social media platforms; they love to remain connected with their loved ones, friends and various other social platforms. Naturally, Android watch can boom the social media marketing in wearable devices.
Is Android watch a New Mobile?
Smart watches share a lot of similarities with the rising mobile devices. As, far as social media sharing, android watches has proved a more efficient and an effective way of staying in touch with the messages, posts and chats in real time.
Smart phones have took social media very close to our everyday life, smart watches only took it a step further. It has decreased a step more to get connected with the social media. Instead of taking smart phones out for messaging, we can simply over the wrist for the latest updates in our social account. Sometimes, we may overlook the notification on our phone, because of lack of time, but in the case of smart watch, it is less likely to happen. In spite, the display screen may be small, yet you can read the notification in a real time. In a paraphrase, we can say, “Mobile was to land phones, smart phones to common mobile phones, and smart watches to smart phones,”

Smart watches can increase the social media marketing
The growth and demand of mart watches have grown too far both in Android watches or in Apple watch, Due to growing needs of smart watches, every mobile app development company are focusing on developing the watch extension of their mobile app. This has brought a revolution in the development in overall app economy. This in turn will help the small businessperson to advertise their business more and more on the social media with the help of smart watch. In overall, 80% of web users are using smart phones, and smart watches are the most popular emerging devices.

Another reason to keep smart watches are, people prefer to keep smart phones in place of tablets because they are handy, with the same logic smart watches are more handy and appealing to the users as they can be glanced upon in a fraction of minute and accessed quickly. According to latest data, 37% of top 25 apps are social media apps. With all these statistics, it indicates overwhelming growth of social media, and we can predict that smart watch revolution will play a big role in this.
Android watches- Social Messaging
The best part in shaping and designing smart watch app development is its sleek and handy design. Smart watches hardly needs more than few tweaking to prepare the apps for the wrist held device. The simple design and tweaks makes a smart watch app version ready with the entire essential feature for app development. Many mobile app development companies are adopting this feature of app development in android watches. The day is very near, when each hand will have a stunning and glary smart watches in their hands.
In short, we can say that Android is a very popular, versatile and widely used smart phone platform used by all strata of people. Now without smart phone people cannot even imagine their daily to do list. Naturally, Android watch like Android phone is likely to reach the latest peak and even may be at par with the smart phone due to small size and easy to carry on the wrist. In the coming years Android, watch will explore the entire social media platforms and so social media marketers are likely to give priority to Android watches than any other brands.