Learn How to Use Hashtags(#) to Better Your SEO Strategy
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Trust the Hype; Hashtags are here to Stay!
If you’re active on social networking sites, chances are that you must have stumbled across pound sign (#) preceding tiny links. They are hashtags, and have been around for quite a while now. I know that their presence has evoked mixed feelings among users. But, there is no denying their rise to prominence. As we search marketers consider everything under the sun for our benefit, Hash tags also deserve its own share of attention. In fact, you must include them in your online marketing strategy. And in my view, they’re quite exciting and beneficial as well.
Advantages of Hashtags:
Increase the reach of your content by leaps and bounds.
Help in establishing your brand.
Target the right audience
In this blog, we will discuss the status of hashtags on different Social Networking Sites. Our remaining focus will fall on the best methods to use them for promoting a website. Read on to find out more.
Hashtags on Twitter:
If you are also battling out the question ‘’What is Twitter hashtag?’’, there is no need to panic. We’re here to assist you. Twitter is one of the world’s most popular social networking sites, and the birth place of modern hashtags. They are mostly utilized for indicating particular topics of conversation.
Interestingly, the social networking outlet has positioned a ‘Trends’ sidebar, which shows recommended hashtags. These suggestions are based on your interests. As you could guess, there is an untapped opportunity anticipating the right response.
Use Twitter Hashtags to Promote Your Site:
Utilize relevant hashtags to augment your audience base. The process is definitely time-consuming. So, get a hold on your impatient nerves.
Go out and participate in Twitter chats. It is a time-tested technique to augment the following of any account. It will also get you nearer to the right audience. Once again, spend some time to get the best results.
You must indulge in exploring trending hashtags to lay hands on hot topics. Remember that posts with improved insights will yield better results.
Give users some reasons to click on the hashtag.
In every industry, networking is treated in high regard. Use hashtags for reaching out to local journalists, events, conferences, etc. In this manner, you can lay claim to their followers.
Hashtags on Facebook:
It was only last year when Facebook decided to jump the bandwagon. In theory, they are quite similar to Twitter. But, the ground reality tends to be a td different. The reason is that Facebook is unlike Twitter, in their basic approach and practice. Facebook has tended to offer personal comfort, while Twitter is all about shouting out loud to the world.
Promote Your Site with Facebook Hashtags:
Indulge in smart cross-promotion. Identical hashtags on Facebook and Twitter will establish your brand.
Learn from the competition to succeed on Facebook. In this manner, you would be able to create relevant hashtags.
Hashtags on Google +:
Google + is quite late to the social networking party. After Facebook, it hastily announced support for hashtags. The show stealer feature is that hashtags on Google+ makes way to the search results. The stipulation applies to both public and in-circle shares. So, it opens up an exciting opportunity for search marketers.
Use Twitter Hashtags to Promote Your Site:
It is recommended to employ hashtags with the brand name. An ideal example would be #mybrandname.
As G+ activities are destined to be connected to your brand, vigilance is highly recommended. Take help from the explore section of the social network.
Hashtags on Instagaram:
Everyone loves Instragram. There is no denying the fact its popularity has only increased in the recent time. Interestingly, the social networking site has also opened its arms to hashtags. This is a great place to get some momentum in terms of followers. However, if you’re not habitual of clicking pictures, it is time you learn this craft to promote your site.
Use Instagram Hashtags to Promote Your Site:
Deviate from using excessively broad hashtags.
Being unique is sure shot way to success. But, don’t become too complicated or technical.
Show your fun side. Instagram is a great place to prove that yours is not a boring brand.
Find out banned hashtags by the social networking site. Always deviate from using them.
Instagram Wedding
Some Added Tips for Better Results:
You’re not here to win a writing competition. So, your tags should be simple and concise. Overly-written tags will definitely be ignored by users on nay social networking site.
Whether you’re a small or big business, you need to look out for business-related conversations.
Set an account to promote your business or site. Then, you need to tweet on a regular basis. If you’re short on time, hire a professional to do the chore.
Craft a unique tag for a new service or product; this will create instant sensation on the targeted platform.
Organize a contest to generate some buzz around you. Offer a prize for retweeting your hashtags. This strategy is known to offer swift results.
Never post a hashtag without some content complementing its existence. Otherwise, it will seem boring and confusing.
Spice up your tweet with some fun and humor.
Lastly, tune up your privacy settings. Your tweets should be public, so that the world can reach your shores.
we can do it
Final Words:
So, it is clear that hashtags hold prominence in the present in attracting visits from social media outlets. As the fame of these sites is witnessing growth, the focus on hashtags will also go for an upward spiral. As with any online marketing strategy, patience and dedication are basic ingredients for success. If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to contact us through the comments section.