Quick Links
We are Really Choosy About What We Publish
Writing for us is a great way to show your expertise and establish yourself as an expert in the field. Additionally, you get SEO benefits, exposure via our social media channels and our goodwill. Because of the high number of guest post requests, we decided to add a “Write for Us” page clearly explaining the guidelines. Please go through them before sending your guest posts.

Topics You Can Write for Us
Your guest post must fall into one of the following categories:
- Digital Marketing
- Internet Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Website Design & Development
- WordPress SEO
- Social Media Marketing
- SEO Tools
- Knowledge & Insights
- Google My Business Listing
- Small Business SEO
What You Need to Follow
All the parameters written here are compulsory.
- Your article must be 1500+ words and offer something valuable to our readers.
- You can have only one self-serving links (no-follow link) from the body text. You are free to link to other quality resources to add value to the article. But please refrain from excessive linking.
- Outgoing links must be relevant to our blog.
- Add subheadings, bullet points, paragraphs to make the article more readable.
- The readability score should lie between grade 1 to 7. You can check the readability score here.
- We reserve the right to do minor edits to your article.
- Once published on our blog you cannot publish it anywhere else, including your own blog.
- You can send your submissions as a word document.
- Images and embedded videos are encouraged, they make the article look nice and grabs the readers attention.
- Featured Image width should be 875×500 pixels. And, other images should be maximum of 875 pixels wide. Please send them as a separate attachment.
- Make sure not to violate copyright when using images. Give credit when needed.
- Your article will be published on the blog page of our website.
- You can send the article directly to seonagendra@gmail.com or send your topic ideas to see if it matches our blog.